Sunday, July 20, 2008

Laughing Amelia


Ok, she didn't laugh like that. But she did laugh on 7/20/08. I'd squirted her with water from Mammaw's pool, and then made funny faces and noises at her. And she laughed.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Update on Amelia June

Sorry so little story about Junebug. Here's some catch-up. (Want fries with that?)

She's a different kid from Ellie. She does sleep pretty well, not through the night yet but pretty well and soundly when she does. She's on a sensitive-tummy formula which doesn't seem to stick to her ribs, so she needs fed more often. But we're trying to wean her to a regular formula which should help that.

She loves to stare at Elizabeth and listen to vacuum cleaners. Not that those are entirely related. She was trying to pull Ellie's binky out of Ellie's mouth today. She's batting at toys hanging from her little baby-play-station-sit-in-it-and-bat-at-things thing.

She's starting to smile a little, gooing sometimes. Still colicky, though. Lots of crying in the evenings. We're hoping at some point she can tolerate my presence.

She's 14 pounds and 25 inches. Still a monster. Outgrowing the weight at which Mom can comfortably carry both kid and car-seat, so we'll have to shuffle car-seats around soon.

She's been eating cereal with pears for about a week now. Seems to like it, getting good at mouthing them down. Veggies around the corner? Only if she's a good girl!

She likes whipped cream too. And Tootsie-pops. But who doesn't? She also plays with the kick-toy thing that Elizabeth loved so much.

Ellie likes her, and is happy that AJ is actually, you know, doing things, and is out of Mommy's tummy.

Mom's doing OK too; physical therapy and the lack of any more major organ failures have been good for her.

Definitely a second-kid decline in documentation going on. But man, it's just hard to keep up. And we're not so interested in every little detail because we've done it all before. Except colic, and quite frankly, that's not something I want to write a lot about.

More as we can. God bless y'all.

Caption contest!

OK, it's audience participation time. Email me a caption for this
photo. Best one I get by July 31, 2008 will win a free lunch on August
31, 2008. Winner must be present at the undisclosed location to

This would look ominous...

...if it weren't a balloon. And if the child standing up weren't
wearing overall floods and yellow socks. You can't be all that scary
in yellow socks.

More Amelia

Ellie saying "baby" with her hands

And "happy" with her face. She is happy and she indeed knows it.

Ellie signing "sister"

And apparently pretending she's blind. Not deaf, which would be why
she'd use ASL. But she's only 2.

Amelia June smiling, off to camera's left

(your right as you're looking at the picture)


That's all. Just...odd.

Grandma would be so proud

Elizabeth taped the heck out of this box. She just wanted to put more
and more and more tape on it.

Gee, I wonder where she got that?

Big sis holding lil sis

Amelia apologizes for biting the chicken

I guess we shouldn't have played those Ozzy songs.

Amelia's first solid food

We decided to skip the strained pears and go right to chicken.

Also posted without comment

posted without comment

What an odd picture

Everybody looks Photoshopped, don't they? Strange lighting or something.

Your hair is sticking up like David's!

That's as inside as an inside joke gets.

Sherlock Ellie looking for clues

Elementary, my dear Gramma...

The balloons were a big hit

Great-grandma gets a blast of lung-power

A slightly happier pic than the one below this post

Amelia calmed down a bit by this time. Ellie's in a strange
not-posing-well phase.

Great-grandpa meets Amelia

Amelia's not so sure about this one...

Great-Grandma meets Amelia for the first time

Sophie and Amelia

Driving to or from Cleveland

Here's three of us in the car. Ellie Doodle-Pro-ing, Amelia dozing, me
driving, (and Mama photographing, of course).


We spring into action to keep the yellow crab from doing any damage...


She doesn't smile all that much, so we try to get as many pics of it as we can.

Smiling and drooling

Unfortunately, it's the toddler, not the infant, who's drooling...

Smiling Amelia

Ellie building a xylophone

Of course, every alphabet-block in the English-speaking world uses
"xylophone" as its X-word. Ellie saw one on Amelia June's blocks and
decided to make one out of Legos. Pretty clever.