Thursday, October 23, 2008

Fwd: more train pics

Fwd: another good smilin' kiddo


baby wrestling

dramatic B&W

Papa and Ellie before a train ride

We rode the LM&M (Lebanon, Mason & Monroe?) railroad to a punkin farm.
Fun time...

good smilin' kiddo

spoonfeeding and various faces

Ameila's a really good eater -- she must be to maintain that physique.
She just opens wide and we shovel it in as fast as we can...even if
she doesn't really like it, she still eats pretty well.

pony ride

We waited forever and she almost didn't get one she wanted...

first bath together

If she could just stay like this forever...

...then her high school years will be a lot less stressful for me.

I seem to have this...octopus...on my back...

We're not sure why the frog is in the box

kid in a playstation

With a big ol' bushy head of hair, still.

Barbie, a hard hat and a tractor

We're hoping Barbie met a very timely demise...but Ellie's not a
toy-breaker. (Read: she's a girl.)

two kiddos

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

We think Amelia said "papa" just now.

She did it a few times in a row.

Soli Deo Gloria