Friday, February 18, 2005

No updates here really

Not much has been going on. Tina's been getting sick a little more regularly, and we've been struggling to find a diet she can tolerate. But otherwise, all's going about the same. She seems to be good from early afternoon to early evening, and about bedtime she starts feeling bad. I think she's mostly just dreading the impending morn.
We keep hearing about how symptoms of morning sickness are a good thing. That is actually quite reassuring for me. I'm not sure how much it helps Tina right now.
We've also determined that she probably ought not come grocery shopping with me anymore. She starts feeling bad, using the cart as a walker and making me feel like I'm shopping with...well, somebody who doesn't walk very fast. That's all I'll say.
I'm probably making things sound worse than they are. We're getting by pretty OK - she goes to work most days, I get my classwork done. We're not actively having much fun, but we're not in the dumps.
And it's all for a good reason. The best reason there could be.

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