Monday, January 16, 2006

Funny day

We decided for a change of scenery, so we headed to Briarwood Mall in sorta-nearby Ann Arbor. Now, we're not really Ann Arbor-type people, but we figured we'd give it a shot. (Don't know what Ann Arbor-type people are? They wouldn't cite National Review favorably on their blogs, for starters. Though Tina thinks I paint with too broad a brush.)

Anyway, we stopped at some chairs and gave Ellie a bottle, then got up and did some mallwalking. (It's too dang cold around here, even with our plant-induced heat wave, for Tina to walk outside more than absolutely necenssary.) After we went around the plus-shaped and hilly mall (there were these odd undulations in the floor, making us seek stroller-friendly ramps) two or three times, we stopped back at those tables and found our bottle still sitting there. Apparently we'd left it, and so did everyone else. So we popped it right into Ellie's mouth and she finished it off.

No, not really. We'll boil it in alcohol before we'll let her use it. But nipples are like a buck each, man, we're not gonna let them go to waste.

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