Besides no teeth, Ellie's sitting up really well. Not crawling, but we think she's getting ready to. She'll sort of rock a little on her hands and knees, put a hand out and then flop down.
She does roll all over pretty well, so she doesn't sit in one place too long. She rolls over a lot in her crib - lately she's been waking up every few nights in a very uncomfy position, smashed up against the edge of her crib, yelling really suddenly and loudly. Kinda funny once you know everything's OK, but scary for the minute until you wake your brain up and go fix it.
She also stands with a little support - she can hold her weight up pretty well, but sometimes decides she wants to sit down suddenly. And she doesn't have any balance (though I don't either, so I don't know if that's development or just unfortunate genes), so we need to keep her upright.
Her hands seem to work pretty well - she can pick up bits of cheese smaller than a raisin and get a few of them actually into her mouth. And she can grab onto guitar strings as I play them. And onto noses, chins, cheeks, glasses, necklaces, hair, etc.
She's been pretty vocal lately too, once or twice doing a "mmmmwah" when "kissing" mama and me. Her kisses are wide-open-mouth deals on the cheek, not really on our command, but close enough for mama.
And, she's still the most gorgeous baby ever. Her eyes are pretty deep blue, especially in natural light. Still not much hair, but she's gorgeous anyway.