Saturday, September 30, 2006


I've been dissertating.

Ellie's been sick again -- she had a cold from a virus that actually gave her hives. Pretty ugly stuff. She didn't really seem to notice the hives too much. Once they were itching her, but some Benadryl cleared that up.

On a related note, she seems to have inherited my reaction to medication -- nothing makes me sleepy, and pretty much everything keeps me up. Benadryl seemed to make her pretty resistant to napping.

But she's over that. We think she's teething again. Gallons of drool and miscellaneous fussiness. But we can't get her to show off the new teefs, so we have to guess whether and where they're coming in.

Tina seems all recovered from the surgery last month. (It's still September as I post this, so the surgery was still last month.) So that's a blessing.

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