Sunday, November 29, 2009

What a poser!



Amelia was very popular that day.

At the museum with cousins

Mason had an inservice day so my mom and I took the kids to the museum.  I don't know about the kids but we were worn out.

I was very proud of Elizabeth for climbing up by herself.

I'm not too sure about that bus driver

He looks a little crazy.

2 girls playing with dinosaurs

Elizabeth had them in a parade.  Only the nice ones were allowed to be in it.  Amelia made them tap dance.  I'm not kidding.

Look at those baby blues!



22 people at my mom's house for Thanksgiving.  10 of them were children.  It went very well, actually.  And isn't that turkey beautiful?

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Amelia watching a squirrel

See skeerl climb up tree.

See tail sister?

Pretty dang conversational for 19 months.

We love her. Of course we do.

Soli Deo Gloria

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Great quote from Elliebean

"You know what? God is the boss of Mama…and the President!"

Too bad the President doesn't acknowledge that.

OK, she didn't day that last bit. But she did say the first part.

Soli Deo Gloria

Friday, November 06, 2009

Elliebean as Snow White

She was going to a princess party. She had fun.

Just funny


a fairy butterfly princess and an insect.

Gee, who's the first kid and who's the neglected second kid?

Just kidding, we did it on purpose. Junebug, get it?

Just cute. That's it.


This was the result of one single Oreo. One.


Punkin with a pumpkin

Ellie drew it and I carved it. It rotted pretty quickly, though.



Punkin on a pumpkin


posted without comment


more Cleveland zoo pics

Silly girls and a monkey

Snap! You're a pumpkin!

Her first school field trip.

Close-up giraffe

At a really cool zoo, in Cleveland.

Girls and dinosaurs




very polite people


POny rides

Amelia and Elliebean on ponies. Fun.