Sunday, January 10, 2010

Making one of her tags

Elizabeth's present for Grandma




More presents




Amelia takes coloring seriously


Fun with a soccer ball and cousin Sophie

Just silliness


Fun in Grandma's chair

Amelia noticed that Grandma falls asleep in this chair in the evening.  She was pretending to be Grandma.  Very funny.  It wasn't funny when Amelia wouldn't fall asleep in the evening.  I wouldn't say she's the best traveler.

Christmas dresses


Reading with Mama


Another creative idea from Elizabeth

Everyone also got nametags or signs with ribbons to wear.  Lots of cutting and taping went on.  Two of Elizabeth's favorite things.

Grandpa playing Santa

Elizabeth came up with this beard idea.  It was very funny.

A Browns calendar for Papa

Apparently, not all the Browns trivia and facts are positive.  But what choice did the calendar makers have?  There are only a handle of positive things you can say about the Browns.  Actually, I can't even think of a handful.

Some Christmas posts (finally)

The girls love the new dollhouse from Santa.  We couldn't even get Amelia to stop playing with it to open her other presents.  They've been playing with it every day.  Good idea, Santa!