Monday, July 24, 2006


Tina seems to think that Ellie might be slightly tongue-tied. It might have contributed to our need to bottle-feed. One of the nurses in the hospital mentioned it, but the initial in-the-hospital doctor said she didn't see it.

We didn't bring it up with our pediatrician because of what the doctor said, and we didn't look into it more until recently...I noticed that Ellie's frenulum looked kinda big and white (or something, I forget exactly what I noticed) and then Tina decided to look into it.

We'll bring it up with the pediatrician when we see him next, probably about the beginning of September.


Anonymous said...

How would your "need to bottle-feed" have contributed to a possible tongue-tie?

Anonymous said...

Ignore my first comment. I misread what you said :-)