Sunday, October 09, 2005

New formulee

Ellie's been getting Enfamil LIPIL rather than Similac lately. No real big reason for the change; it was a try-it-and-see sort of thing. Plus, Enfamil LIPIL has twice the DHA as Similac. (Oh yeah, I think I said that in a different post.)

She took a little bit to get used to it, as expected. We've found Enfamil to mix more easily than does Similac; the Enfamil's a drier, finer powder and dissolves more quickly. Plus, it doesn't foam up as much when you shake it and its foam goes away. That's nice, because it makes it a lot easier to see how much formula she's eaten when it's sort of dark and the stupid graduations on the bottles aren't all that obvious -- at least with Enfamil, we don't have to figure out where the foam stops and the formula starts.

Plus, she seems a little less constipated. How nice for her...her bowel habits are posted on the Web for the world to read. I'll keep doing that for the next 18 years or so, just to keep the boys away. (I'll need to do something - she'll be gorgeous.)

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