Monday, October 31, 2005

Nickname update

I've been using a lot of "Ellie Bean" and "Ellie Belly." "Ellie May" seems to creep in, too.

I like Ellie more than Elly or Elli or Ellee...but I could go a bit different and spell it "Elie." "Elizabeth" has only one "l" in it. But it might look like is should sound like "Eli." Or I could never ever write it down and then it doesn't matter how it's spelled. But then I'd have to stop blogging, or type "Elizabeth" every time. Hmmm.

(- Do all philosophers start with an "S"?

-- Yeah, I think most of them do.

- Nietzsche doesn't start with an "S".

-- Ah, but there's an "S" in Nietzsche.

- Oh yeah, so there is.

-- Waiter, this conversation isn't very good.)

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