Sunday, January 16, 2005

Due date

Our child is due, according to early estimates, on September 10, 2005. As good a day as any, I suppose.

Tina is really hoping he doesn't arrive a day later. I'd prefer not, of course, but after some thought, I'd prefer not to induce on the 10th just to avoid the day. Something about ceding the day to the powers of evil. The birth of a new child, to be raised as an American in every sense, on the anniversary of the acts of evil is something I'd find a bit redemptive. Plus, it wasn't our decision whether and when we conceived. I'd rather leave it in better Hands than my own.

In my angrier days, I'd consider it a big ol' single-finger salute to the baddies. O yeah? well, we'll have a freakin' baby on your special day! And the thought still crosses my mind, as the previous sentences suggest. But now, I merely consider the thought of it a blessing, and a reminder that the world isn't about us. Imagine - ten days ago, we were committed to the idea that we may never conceive. I'll take whatever birthday God gives us.

I do recognize that it might be a rather sad thing for the child, though, to have such an event associated with his birth, even though the events aren't really related. I have an idea that we should make birthdays about the children, and he wouldn't really be able to see that day as about him. I guess we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

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