Tuesday, January 11, 2005

First doctor visit

Se we went yesterday for our first doctor visit. We actually saw the midwife, whose name is the mildly-amusing-but-not-in-a-mean-way Heather Lemon. It sounds like the color of some expensive bobo yellow sweatpants or something. Anyway, she was really nice and a bit perky, as well as a bit preggo herself.

Mostly it was routine stuff - things to do (drink lotsa water) and not to do (shoot heroin). One bit of note - she said that during our next visit, some seven weeks out, we should be able to hear the heartbeat. That brought a healthy round of tears.

Tina's been better; more water and Gatorade, and a little bit of snacking on a semi-constant basis has kep the nausea at bay. "Nausea at bay"...I'm reminded of the episode of the Flintstones when Fred and Barney couldn't agree on the name of their boat, the Nautical Something or the Something of the Sea, and compromised on "Nau-Sea."

OK, that was a pointless reference. Sorry.

Anyway, that's been most of our progress. See next post for more progress.

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