Friday, January 14, 2005

Friday nite

Not too much new the last coupla days...the food merry-go-round keeps spinning. Today it's "pasta bad." The recurring theme seems to be "beef good." Her lunch today was, shall we say, Midwestern.

Interesting bit on names, though. Her library got a hamster, and the winning entry to the hamster-naming contest was "Booker Books." Tina mentioned that for short, he could be called "B.B."

Of course, when I suggested initializing the name of a child named Benjamin Josiah to BJ (bad!) or Josiah Reagan to JR (good!) I was nearly beheaded by the teeth flying at my neck.

Her defense against my (agog) charges of steaming hypocrisy? "It's a hamster."

I don't buy it. Initializing a name is either good or bad. Boy or hamster, a principle applies.

We just had to agree to disagree on that one. Comments welcome.

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